Balancing Success and Happiness
Understand why many leaders are better
at being successful than being happy -
and what you can do about it
To live the life you love is success.
To love the life you live is happiness.--- Anthony Silard
Many leaders are very skilled at being successful, but not so skilled at being happy. How can you balance the need for both success and happiness in your life? How can you learn how to get what you want and want what you have? To achieve what you value and value what you achieve?
In this session, GLI will first highlight the 4 P’s of Success – four qualities that, when considered together, will enable you to be successful in whatever you undertake. Then we will ask you to define happiness, and also provide some of our own definitions and inspiring anecdotes.
Finally, GLI will help you conceptualize how you can balance your search for both success and happiness in your life, with special consideration for the effects of your phone and other digital devices on this search.
The result: You will learn how to lead with an abundance rather than a scarcity mentality. Your team members will sit across the table from you and want to be both like you and with you. This is the hallmark of true personal development and leadership.
Session Learning Objectives
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a leadership conference for your company or organization.